
Village/street children

Village/street children

Our village child program dates back to August 2009. This was the first camp held for village children and youth. Since then, we carry out such camps every year.

 There are many village children, whose parents do not show adequate consideration for a variety of causes: labor migration, loss of family priority, alcohol consumption and other pernicious habits. As a consequence, these children are left to themselves and spend most of their time on the streets, skipping school, which leads to both the educational and social desolateness of such children.

Our target groups include children, youth and seniors. We want to teach them to prioritize the development of cultural, moral and spiritual qualities.

Bible studies and handicraft classes for children and teenagers are carried out during the school year and are gladly attended by children.

We want to work with the youth through the organization of sectional work as follows:

  • Prevention of crisis behaviors among young people;
  • Organization of cultural and educational activities;Handicraft section;
  • Handicraft section;
  •  Sports section;
  •  Video lectures;
  •  Computer skills section.

We hope that our vision touches many people’s hearts. Working with teenagers and youth on that front and changing their world view, we all in our respective places make a huge contribution to the transformation of the society at large.

Categories: Ray of Light, Current