
Elderly people

Elderly people

Life experience of the older generation and the desire to impose their views, are not accepted by young people. The reason for this is the discrepancy of the outlook on life, which is often aggravated by the problem of residence of several generations in the same area, accompanied by family conflicts.

Loneliness is in old age is also caused by:

  • Full-time employment of children and caregivers;
  • Longing for the past life and loss of important people from the inner circle, etc.

Vulnerability of older people is very closely connected with the loss of family links: a spouse dies, the adult children move away from their parents, sometimes physically, but more of an emotional need to build their own lives. However, the presence of children or relatives does not protect the elderly from their lonely existence. Many elderly people live with their relatives, but do not feel the emotional, physical, social support.

The principal activities of the Foundation in this direction are:

  • Provision of social and living conditions;
  • Medical support;
  • Organization of cultural and sports events;
  • Organization of clubs, depending on the physical condition of the clients.

Older people are in need of our support and simple human interaction, so the main task of the Foundation is to give older people the confidence that they are needed and to relieve them of the feeling of social exclusion (needlessness). And also to enable older people to gain public recognition of values, as bearers of traditions and cultural heritage of the country.

Categories: Angelina, Current